Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Good" Breakfast is KILLING Me!

So for the last three days my husband has cooked breakfast for me. Delicious too. One day was bacon and eggs, one was sausage, biscuits, and eggs, and one was pork tenderloin, biscuits, eggs, and fried potatoes. It was absolutely delicious. He is the perfect breakfast "cooker". HOWEVER, what I have realized is this: I cannot eat that stuff. OMG! It gives me terrible acid reflux. So much so, its not worth it. As good as "breakfast" is, that stuff just KILLS me. I believe I need to stick with my WW and/or Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches on English muffins, or maybe cereal w/fruit, or maybe oatmeal, or even an Egg Beaters omelet.

I also have to exercise EVERY day--or at least 5 out of 7 days. No matter what disease/disorder/sickness you learn about, EVERYTHING you watch tells you being overweight exacerbates that particular condition, and exercise improves/alleviates that condition. EVERYTHING. There is only one thing to conclude: you must exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. Doing it, however, is something else :)) That is what we must strive for.


  1. Oh, if only you girls would listen to your mothers. This is what we have been telling you for years. Just saying !!

    Love you Shelley, and you too, Audrey. :-)

  2. Betty never told me that :)
    Love you too!!!
