Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Biggest Loser is Back!

Well, I realize we are a little slow, but we FINALLY watched last week's Biggest Loser. Its very inspirational. When you see those 400 lb people complete a 1 mile race, you know you can do it. Or, when you see them tally 500 steps, you know you can do that. I'm glad its back! Tonight they will be at the ranch, so they will experience real workouts with Bob & Jillian. On the previews on contestant said of their first workouts "people were crying for mercy in there". I went to the audition for Biggest Loser once, but was not chosen. When I watch them work out, I'm kinda glad! I might have DIED!!! OMG! Those workouts are BRUTAL, but inspirational because you KNOW if they can do that, you can surely walk around the block. (of course there were at least two people who fell out during the 1 mile walk last night, and the 500 steps)

I'm trying to get my eating back on track. God is trying to help me with that. I know this because when I tried to buy pretzel M&M's at Target, they were OUT! I took that as a sign. If you haven't tried pretzel M&M's . . . . DON'T--they are addictive.

So today I will be having an EverRoast Chicken Sandwich on a 100% whole wheat sandwich thin for lunch, and apples instead of chips, and yogurt for a snack. OH, and I have already gone walking this morning. My husband, because he is AWESOME, is making me an omelet with Southwestern Egg Beaters. They are yummy. Last night we had Spicy Potato Soup. It was great, and had to be very low in fat. The only fat in it was the hamburger meat, and I used Laura's Lean, and rinsed it. It was really good. I'm glad to share the recipe if anybody wants it.

Progress is being made. Stay tuned :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Still Here

AND, I'm still walking! This is HUGE for me. Of course I was doing so well with my eating, but not exercising. Now I'm doing much better about my exercising, and less good with my eating. So, the time has come to get on track. Biggest Loser also just started a new season, and that's always good for a little extra motivation.

Let me just say that I have been eating . . . umm . . . not great, but not terrible. However, I can tell you when I eat good I feel good, and when I eat bad I have acid reflux. If you don't suffer with acid reflux let me tell you it SUCKS! There's nothing like waking up choking because you have just inhaled this acid reflux into your lungs. It burns, and it tastes awful. It is definitely NOT how you want to wake up. It's unpleasant even when you are awake too. Fritos KILL ME! Do you know how good Fritos are with a bunch of dip???--especially if the dip is baked, and made with cream cheese??? It is SOOOOO NOT worth it. I am officially old! Actually, I think its my body, saving me from myself.

My refrigerator is fairly empty, and my cabinets need a little cleaning-out. I'm thinking its an especially good time to stock up on better, healthier food choices. Now all I need is some grocery money!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And I'm STILL Walking :))

Shocking, I know. I have to skip a day sometimes because my heel hurts, but I am still walking regularly, AND today we started taking a longer route. Now that I'm exercising I need to get my EATING back on track! I have definitely been off, but now that I'm exercising with some regularity, the eating is the easy part.

Having said that, we are having frozen pizza tonight for dinner. You see, being the procrastinator that I am, I have put off reading my book club book. SO, I need to read about 580 pages before Thursday night. Therefore I don't have time to cook. I really don't have time to blog either, but what the heck? There are no dishes to wash after blogging. There are no dishes to wash after frozen pizza either--two words--paper plates! See how things go at my house? :))

Oh, and by the way, Brian is also still running--you know he can't let me out-do him! Silly boy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Yep. . . . STILL Walking

However, I WILL be taking the weekend off :) I walked this morning, though. Next week we are going to try taking a longer route. We'll see how that goes--time wise, and with my heels. My walking partner always has her cell phone, so she can call for a car--or an ambulance if the whole "taking-the-long-route" thing doesn't work out.

I did better with my eating yesterday. I had a Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Breakfast Sandwich thingy, then salad for lunch, and a turkey burger for dinner. Today, however, I had Cracker Barrel for breakfast, and quite frankly I'm STARVING right now. I mean STARVING. This is not good. I tend to make BAD food choices when I'm this hungry.

OH, and if you know my husband you will appreciate this. Brian was running for most of last year. When his schedule changed at work, his running slowly came to a stop. Brian may be the most competitive person I know. Well, now that I'm walking on a regular basis, guess who has been running this week??? LOL!! I can promise you its all because I'M exercising and he was NOT. He is hilarious. I'm just glad he's back on the program. It makes it much easier for me. I'm like George Washington though . . . . I cannot tell a lie . . . . if he was home I would TOTALLY be trying to talk him into going to Hooters for some fried pickles and some hot wings right now! I guess its a good thing he isn't home, huh?

Well, as much as I would rather put a STICK IN MY EYE, I have stalled long enough. I must go clean the house. Hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still Walking :))

Yep. You read that correctly. Now, I did not walk on Sat & Sun, and of course Monday was a holiday, but I have been walking since then. I have pretty bad heel pain some days, so I had to sit yesterday out. However, I have already walked this morning, and plan to walk tomorrow morning. I got new heel inserts, so hopefully that will make it all bearable. AND, my husband ran yesterday for the first time in a while, so this is encouraging. Maybe we'll start going to the Y in the evenings. That's my plan.

I still need to improve some of my eating habits. I think I am going to start counting something :)) Seriously, either calories or fat grams, because for a little while I think I need some limits. If you read Women Food and God it tells you NOT to count things, and don't diet. I'm a little conflicted about that, but I know I need some limits or boundaries until I can get a handle on this. I'm ready to lose serious weight, and I know what I have to do--PUT DOWN THE POTATO CHIPS AND GET MY ASS OFF THE COUCH!!! If I want to be a skinny bitch, I need to do what the skinny bitches do :))

Friday, September 3, 2010

This May Be A Record . . .

I have now walked (brace yourself) three days in a row. I'm pretty sure its a record, if not, its at least a good place to start. However . . . I get home and check my Facebook page, and find out my friend is at the hospital having ultrasounds, ct scans, and bloodwork---ALL FROM WORKING OUT. This just confirms what I have always suspected . . . . exercise will KILL YOU!!!!

I'm supposed to go to Cracker Barrell for breakfast this morning. Not sure yet what I will eat. I'm pretty hungry right now, and I'm not planning to eat freakin' oatmeal at Cracker Barrell. We have a birthday party to go to tomorrow. I may have to walk on the treadmill tomorrow morning to make up for the calories I KNOW I'm going to eat tomorrow night. We'll see. I'm not promising anything. BUT, that is probably what the skinny people would do.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I DID it!

You may want to sit down. . . . . . I went walking this morning!!! Can you hear the weight-loss angels singing "Hallelujah"? It wasn't bad either. The temperature was good--if you don't know, I don't like to sweat. (its kind of a problem when you need to lose weight) And, of course, I had good company--time just flew by. AND, (yes, there's more) we made an appointment to do it again tomorrow. I don't love exercise (ok, I hate it), but I love how I feel afterwards. PLUS, I am finally using my million dollar shoes! This is definitely a step in the right direction.

The next step is to get my eating back on track. I really don't think that will be hard. I know we are having Subway for dinner tonight. I always get a veggie sub. LOVE them--and, I'm pretty sure that's what the skinny people eat!