Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Still Here

AND, I'm still walking! This is HUGE for me. Of course I was doing so well with my eating, but not exercising. Now I'm doing much better about my exercising, and less good with my eating. So, the time has come to get on track. Biggest Loser also just started a new season, and that's always good for a little extra motivation.

Let me just say that I have been eating . . . umm . . . not great, but not terrible. However, I can tell you when I eat good I feel good, and when I eat bad I have acid reflux. If you don't suffer with acid reflux let me tell you it SUCKS! There's nothing like waking up choking because you have just inhaled this acid reflux into your lungs. It burns, and it tastes awful. It is definitely NOT how you want to wake up. It's unpleasant even when you are awake too. Fritos KILL ME! Do you know how good Fritos are with a bunch of dip???--especially if the dip is baked, and made with cream cheese??? It is SOOOOO NOT worth it. I am officially old! Actually, I think its my body, saving me from myself.

My refrigerator is fairly empty, and my cabinets need a little cleaning-out. I'm thinking its an especially good time to stock up on better, healthier food choices. Now all I need is some grocery money!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are still with the program. A lot of people are pulling for you even if they don't COMMENT !!!!!!
