Just wanted to post quickly. I am doing better, but still not 100%. I have fruit, but its on the counter and in the fridge waiting to be prepped. I had salad for lunch yesterday, but we had hamburgers for dinner. So, there is still room for improvement. Not sure what will be dinner tonight--maybe salad.
I have book club tomorrow night, and I have not read the book. Nor have I read the other book I bought. I have to do better. I want to read them both. For now, though, I have to go. I need to get ready for work, and if I have any extra time, I can cut up my cantaloupe.
I am really struggling lately with the eating and exercising. It is so frustrating!!! I'll get back on track - maybe next week - I still have a Totino's pizza in the freezer :)
Girl! There are 5 of them in our freezer. I keep stuff like that for Brian & in case any of the kids come over. That and bagel bites and Tyson chicken stuff. But, I almost never eat it myself--sometimes though :-))