The last few days have kinda been a train wreck! I say that, and then when I think back, some things were very good, but some of my eating has been bad! But, I'm back on the program today. I have a lot I NEED to do today, and a lot I WANT to do. I'm thinking the WANT to do may win out! I have to get back on my "healthy living" plan.
I can't speak for other overweight people, but for me, I'm starting to realize control is a major component of my eating. I don't know exactly how it figures into the equation, but I'm a procrastinator, and I know that this reluctance to just take control has SOMETHING to do with the over eating. I haven't exactly figured out how that works, but I know its related. So, like today, I NEED to do certain things. HOWEVER, I may totally blow off those "need-to-do" things, and go to the pool. I don't know why, but I will do that. I've watched enough Oprah, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and Biggest Loser to know its all related. I just don't know HOW its related. If I figure that out, I may have the key.
SO, its time to get back on my game. Keep pursuing the answers and improving my life. I do realize that I am the only person who can make my dreams come true. Nobody else can do that for me--except the TN Lottery Commission, but that's something different! Have a great day!
Most insightful blog yet...according to that devil book that I love...I forgot the name, God I'm old... Anyway, awareness is the first step in enlightenment. :)