Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daily Struggles

When they say take it day by day, they are right. Every day is a challenge. One thing that I did differently last week (when I did NOT lose any weight) was to eat less fruit. I ate less fruit last week than the previous two weeks. This week has not been much better so far. I have fruit in my refrigerator, but no time to clean it, cut it, pluck it, etc.

I also think I may have to start exercising in the morning. I realize that many evenings when I get off work my plans seem to change. You know how it is. You think you're going home, start a load of laundry, walk on the treadmill, etc, and then someone calls and all your plans change. Last night, for instance, I ended up showing a house. This changed all my plans. I'm not complaining. I hope I get the call to show houses on ALOT of evenings, but it does throw a monkey wrench in your evening workout plans.

I know from experience that I must overcome the kind of things that happened last night. If not, you start eating whatever is fast and easy (whether its healthy or not), and you quit making time for exercise. So, this is exactly the type of thing I have to be aware of, and plan for. What is the old saying? Expect the unexpected! Never give up.


  1. Why are you up at this unGodly hour?! :) Don't get discouraged. You are doing VERY well and you'll find an exercise rhythm.

  2. I'm glad YOU have faith! I am changing my habits, but it is challenging for sure! Tonight we are having spaghetti sauce with extra mushrooms instead of meat, and whole wheat angel hair. Its pretty good. Now, I just have to get more exercise in. Let's go to Charlie Daniel's Park sometime. Its a nice little walking trail.

  3. Pick a day a week and a time and everyone who wants can get together and walk. We can make each other accountable. I know that helps me.
    Just a thought !!

  4. I feel guilty because I have only been to the gym once this week. I can definitely feel a difference. I am so much more tired this week than normal and I feel the pounds creeping back. I can't get out of the habit or I'll never get back in it!!! It is a struggle, but well worth the payoff!!!
