The last couple of days have presented some challenges. Last night we ended up at my mother's house. We had all kind of hung out doing various things, and ended up playing cornhole. Time gets away from you in a hurry, and pretty soon its dinner time. There are only 2 places that deliver to her house. So, we ended up ordering pizza. I would not have chosen to eat pizza during week two. However, that's what was going to be available. Instead of eating 4 or 5 pieces, I had two regular size pieces (not small, not large), and I drank water instead of the Coke that would have gone so well with that yummy pizza. ('cause that's what the skinny people do--or have a Diet Coke, and I was not in the mood for that) Oh, and that damn pizza--2 little pieces-- gave me heartburn and indigestion, which I really haven't experienced in two weeks.
Today, Brian & I went to Hooters. I love hot wings--and OMG their fried pickles are the BEST! However, I had grilled chicken pasta salad, and unsweetened tea! (Because the skinny people don't eat a bunch of fried pickles and hot wings. AND, if they do, they go run like 10 miles or something, and realistically I'm not going to do that.) Then I ate ONE (literally ONE) hot wing after I had pasta salad. That was surprisingly satisfying. I filled up on the pasta salad, but enjoyed that hot wing taste I love without eating 7 or 8 fried chicken wings, blue cheese dressing, and french fries!
After that we attended (crashed, actually) a Kentucky Derby party. Luckily, in addition to the barbecue they were serving, they also had the smoked turkey. So, I had smoked turkey (no bun), the vinegar-based slaw instead of the mayonnaise based (which I LOVE) because vinegar-base has much less fat. Also had beans (low in fat), a TINY spoon of potato salad, and a single bbq rib. Had I been home I would have eaten better probably, but this is my life. My real life. And, I have to learn to do the very best possible in any situation. I think I did pretty well.
On the exercise front, I totally did not live up to my promise to exercise on Thurs or Fri. HOWEVER, I got some new shoes today!!! YAAAAAAYYY!! Now, hopefully, I won't be crippled while trying to walk. I'll let you know how that goes.
Thanks for reading my blog. I really appreciate the support. Feel free to leave comments, tips, and suggestions (be nice). I love reading them!
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